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Reception 1 (R1)

   Hello and welcome to R1's class web page


We are......
Mrs Eden - Class Teacher   

Mrs Hales - Class Teaching Assistant
and of course, our class of 28 children.


Our school day is from 8.40am - 3.15pm.  Children arrive and leave through the

double doors in our side outdoor area.


Physical Education

Our PE day this year will be on a TUESDAY.

All PE uniform can be purchased from Whittakers, Southport.

On PE days, the children should come dressed to school wearing a ...

white Birkdale/plain round neck t-shirt

royal blue shorts

royal blue tracksuit hoodie

royal blue tracksuit bottoms

trainers (preferably blue or black)

Pumps (kept in school)

All hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back.

Stud earrings should be removed or covered up.

The children should bring a small backpack to school which they can leave on their peg.  Inside the bag should be a pair of pumps for the children to change into for indoor PE and spare clothes in case of accidents eg a spare skirt/trousers, socks/tights and underwear.  



* All school uniform MUST be named

* Children can bring a NAMED sports top water bottle in to school containing WATER ONLY

* Book bags should be brought into school everyday so that the children can take home any work or letters given out.



Our weekly Little Wandle phonics homework is set on Google Classroom every Monday.  Reading books are given out and should be handed back in every Wednesday to be changed.  Library books are changed every Friday. Your child's home activity book will be given out at the start of every half-term full of new activities for them to complete each week.  Staff will ask for the books to be sent back into school at the end of each half-term so that the children can celebrate and share all of their learning at home with the rest of the class.

 Autumn Term

Our topic this term is entitled 'All About Me'.  Our focus for the children will initially be to ensure that they are happy and settled leaving their carer and coming into school, sharing and talking about their feelings, making friends and learning new routines. During the first 6 weeks, the class teacher will complete every child's baseline assessment through practical activities, discussion and observations. This will enable the staff to plan for your child's next steps in learning. Staff will explore feelings and emotions with the children as they learn to regulate their own behaviour using the story 'The Colour Monster'.  They will learn about the environmental changes as we move into the season of autumn and in mathematics will learn about the numbers 1, 2 and 3 as well as exploring concepts linked to shape and pattern. For a more in depth detail of our learning this term please have a look at the Autumn Curriculum Overview on the link below.

Spring Term

Our topic this term is entitled 'My World' as the children journey to the Arctic and Antarctic and begin to explore other countries along the way through the stories we read and share together, such as Africa when we read 'Handa's Surprise'.  Children will learn about the people who help them in their community through the visitors (police, lollipop lady, nurse, postman) we have in school and a much enjoyable trip to Southport Lifeboat Station and a walk to our local library in Birkdale village.  In mathematics, children will continue to explore the value and composition of numbers from 5-10 as well as shape, pattern, measure and time.  They will explore the season of winter and explore the skill of threading and weaving, observational drawing and using a range of materials to create pieces of artwork.  In PE, children will explore movement in dance and different ways of moving and travelling in gymnastics through the stories of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and 'Goldilocks'.


Summer Term

Our topic this term is entitled 'The Big Wide World and Beyond' as the children explore the life cycle of  a frog and butterfly, traditional stories, minibeasts and pollution in our oceans through first-hand experiences and the stories shared in class.  We visit our local garden centre and walk to Birkdale village to look at our local environment. In mathematics, children will learn to explore numbers to 20 and beyond while continuing to consolidate numbers to 10.  Children share, group and double numbers through practical games and classroom resources.  In PE, children learn how to play against an opponent, how to keep score in a game, how to work as a team and why following the rules of the game is important. In the ‘Ball Skills’ unit, children will throw and catch, kick, dribble and roll a ball to a target or a partner with developing accuracy.