Parents' Consultation on Relationships, Health and Sex Education
Relationships, Health and Sex Education is a vital part of our curriculum at Birkdale Primary. Our RHSE policy outlines the development and implementation of our in-house RHSE curriculum, is reviewed and updated yearly by lead staff, Mr Sheeran and the governors, and is always available in the policies section of our website for you to refer to.
In line with our policy and government guidance, at the start of each academic year, we aim to send out a parent-questionnaire in order to get your crucial insights into our Relationships, Health and Sex Education provision. The feedback from the questionnaire this year has proven to be invaluable in helping us to review and develop our RHSE curriculum in light of the new statutory Health and Relationships Education objectives and we thank you all for your support in this area.
Year 5 and 6 parents will also be consulted about the content of their child's RHSE (and related Science curriculum) during the Spring/Summer term as more sensitive topics (such as menstruation and conception) will be covered in these year groups. Parents will be advised before the teaching of RSHE in Y5 and 6 begins and will have time to meet with Mrs Sinnott and the class teacher to discuss the content in detail if they wish.
If you have any feedback from your child after their RHSE lessons that you feel we would benefit from knowing, we would be grateful if you could email the school office (FAO Mrs Sinnott) or arrange a meeting with Mrs Sinnott to discuss this, as your feedback could help to shape our curriculum for the following academic year.
Please find below the analysis of the most recent questionnaire. The responses overall were incredibly positive and supportive - it has been so pleasing for all staff to hear that you truly trust us to make the best decisions for your children.
Please also find some resources that may help you in discussing puberty and other related matters with your child.
As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns relating to the content or delivery of our RHSE, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school office.