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Welcome to 3S's class page 

I am very much looking forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday 3rd September. Throughout our first term in Year 3 we will be learning lots of exciting and new things including Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will be learning new times tables such as 3, 4 and 8's and I am sure you will all grow to love the Mathematics games - especially Times Table Rockstars (TTRS)! 

In Year 3 you will be seeing these members of staff:

Mr Stevenson (Class Teacher)

Mrs Jones (PPA Class Teacher) 

Mrs Evans (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Denton (Teaching Assistant)


The timings for the school day are listed below:

Arrival time - 8:40 am - 8:50 am

Break time - 10:40 am - 11:00 am

Lunchtime - 12:10 pm - 13:10 pm

Collection time - 3:20 pm

From Tuesday all children will need to come to school wearing a coat. They are allowed to bring a bookbag, healthy snack (a piece of fruit/vegetable) and a bottle of water. Your child must take their water bottle home at the end of the day and ensure it is cleaned overnight. No large bags (rucksacks, etc) will be allowed in school. 

We are a sesame and nut free school.


All children in school are encouraged to read their staged reader a minimum of twice a week and have their reading diary signed by an adult to show that this has taken place. This will ensure that children make good progress through the staged readers as they move through the school. Whilst we have a library full of books that your child may read during school time, it is essential that they read their staged reader regularly to help to develop reading and comprehension skills. Your child has the opportunity to change their staged reader each morning. Please can we politely remind you that children should be using a school book bag as this helps to keep the books in good condition.
Spellings will be set weekly each Thursday and your child’s spelling test will be on the following Thursday. Your child has been given a homework book to stick their spellings into which can be used to practise spellings throughout the week. It will also be a place to keep their ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ homework sheet in so please make sure these are brought into school every Thursday

Maths homework will be set on a Friday and will be a recap of the key learning we have been doing in class and some earlier Year 2 objectives. New homework will be issued every Friday. Homework will commence from Thursday 12th September.  


Please can you ENSURE your child comes to school on a Thursday and Friday wearing their PE kit (blue Birkdale jogging bottoms, hoodie, white Birkdale t-shirt and/or blue shorts please). They can wear trainers and we ask that they keep their PE pumps in school in a named pump bag. 

Children in 3S will be going swimming on Friday afternoons starting Friday 13th September and this will run all the way through to the end of the Autumn Term. Could all parents ensure children arrive with their swimming kit and any jewellery (e.g. earrings) removed.