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Our Stars of the Week are...




Welcome to our class page!

Here you will find lots of exciting and useful information about our class. 

Class Teacher: Mrs Ramsden

Support Staff in 1R: Mrs Stewart 

In Year One we have a fabulous team of adults supporting us. We have Mrs Ramsden, Miss Lee, Mrs Campbell,  Mrs Willocks, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Watson. 

Mrs Willocks will teach 1R on a Tuesday afternoon when we will have our PE session with our sports coach Mr Murphy and our Music lesson provided by Sefton Music Services with Miss Davies. 

Mrs Campbell will teach 1R on a Thursday. 





The timings for the school day differ depending on each year group. 

YEAR 1: Each morning Mrs Ramsden and Miss Lee with be at the Year One door at the back of the school from 8:40am until 8:45am when the doors will close for registration.

Please wait in a line along the footpath and wait for a member of staff to open the Year One door. 

At the end of the school day, we will bring the Year One classes out to the main yard at 3:15pm. Children will wait in the school yard until a member of staff can safely pass the children over to their grown up collecting. 



1R PE Days



Our indoor PE session is on a Tuesday afternoon and our outdoor PE is on a Thursday afternoon. 

Please can you ensure that your child comes to school on a Tuesday and Thursday wearing their PE kit.

Our PE kit is blue Birkdale jogging bottoms, hoodie, white Birkdale t-shirt and/or blue shorts please. They can wear trainers and we ask that they keep their named PE pumps in school in a named pump bag.  



Please can we ask that all school uniform/PE kit is labelled with your child's name clearly. Any unnamed items will be taken to our lost property box which is located in the school main yard. 

Children can bring in a named bottle of water which they have access to throughout the day. Children DO NOT need to bring in a snack as we provide a healthy snack for their morning break. 

Please ensure your child comes into school each day with a book bag (please no rucksacks) and please make sure they bring their reading book and diary each day.  


In Key Stage One we set homework each week via Google Classrooms. 

Homework will be set on a Friday and your child will have till the following Friday to hand their homework in via Google Classrooms. 


Reading at Home

Your child will receive a school reading book and we ask that you sign their diaries when you hear your child read.

Every Friday we will change your child's home reading book. This will be a book that your child has been reading regularly with an adult in school. We ask the children take it home to practice reading aloud and practice their fluency. 

Children will also take home a book from our lending library every Friday.   

Please share picture books and stories with children at home also. 


Autumn Term

In the Autumn Term we have lots of exciting activities planned. In English, we will be using a range of texts including Superworm and The Jolly Postman. In Maths, we will begin the term focusing on our number understanding in particular place value, addition and subtraction. Later on in the term we will be learning about the United Kingdom and comparing contrasting the different human and physical features in each country!  In Art we will be looking at the artist Paul Klee and the work he created. In Science, we will be investigating materials and our senses. These are just a few of the areas we will be learning about.Spring Term

Our topic this Spring term is entitled 'Amazing Animals.'  Here are just a few of our exciting activities planned for this lovely term - half way through our Year One journey!

In Science, our main focus will be to identify, name and compare animals by learning about their structure, diet and habitats - and this will be reflected in our other subject areas as well.

We will be looking at our Earth - on a globe and World maps to identify and name the Continents, Oceans and hot and cold areas.

We will read and explore a variety of stories from different parts of the World from the point of view of the animals that live there - and also finding facts about penguins for our non-fiction unit in English.    In Art we will be looking at animal markings and patterns and how they are suited to the habitat and environment they live in, exploring colour mixing to draw and show these patterns.

We will make animal hand puppets in DT using textile skills including sewing.

In Maths, we will continue to focus on basic number skills, the knowledge of place value and learning lots about measurement too.

History will involve the children in looking at significant people from the past, their impact and why we remember them today.

See our Curriculum Overview for Spring for even more detail!